Eco-designing for the coastal zone

I en tid av klimatförändringar, övergödning och markförstöring står Östersjöregionen inför utmaningen att återställa och bibehålla näringsämnen. Östersjöns kustområde är rikt på biomassaresurser (alger, makrofyter, musselskal, strandtång), som kan användas inom jordbruket för hållbar livsmedelsproduktion. I enlighet med principerna för den cirkulära ekonomin kan marina biomassaresurser fungera som både gödningsmedel och näringskällor för ytterligare återhämtning. Dessa lösningar förhindrar att näringsämnen sprids ut i miljön och blir förorenande. Näringsrik kustbiomassa kan också användas för att stabilisera sanddyner och förbättra den biologiska mångfalden.

Project information

Project owner: Klaipeda University

Project partners: Klaipeda University, Lithuania; Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania; Gdansk University of Technology, Poland; Hållbar Utveckling Skåne, Sweden; University of Rostock, Germany and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Associated partners: Administration of Silale’s District Municipality (Lithuania), JSC Palanga communal utility (Lithuania), John Nurminen Foundation (Finland), Finnish Environment Institute (Finland), Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Gdansk (Poland) and En God Granne (Sweden).

Project duration: 1 st September, 2023 – 31 st August, 2026.

Project budget: EUR 1,473,550.00 (ERDF co-financing EUR 1,178,840.00).

Project no: STHB.02.03-IP.01-0004/23.

Funding: The project is co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the  2021-2027 Interreg VI-A South Baltic cross-border cooperation program. More information here.

Head project manager:
Olga Anne
+370 616 15335

Swedish project manager:
Emma Ljungberg
tel: 073-140 88 98

Project objectives

The overarching goal of the ECONUT project is to design and develop technology for the nutrient flow cycle following the principles of the circular economy and sustainable soil and water management for a regional bioeconomy. The project aims to:

  • Develop technologies for nutrient flow circularity and sustainable use of soil and water ecosystems.
  • Create added-value products for agriculture and dune protection against wind erosion and storm floods.


By the project’s conclusion, two developed technologies and three pilot cases will be realized. The project will evaluate the impact of beach wrack removal on soil fertility, slope stability, and biodiversity in the context of climate change. Additionally, a market analysis for the pilot technologies and the creation of business models for the developed technologies and added-value products will be undertaken.

Stakeholder involvement

The project seeks to engage a broad range of stakeholders, including:
  •  South Baltic region farmers
  •  Agricultural specialists
  •  Local and regional authorities (municipalities)
  •  Environmental protection agencies
  •  Public health care and food risk assessment institutions
  •  Entrepreneurs
  •  Scientists
  •  NGO’s
  •  The general public

Kick off meeting in Klaipeda

Project activities

  • Preparation stage
  • Pilot cases
  • Impact to climate change
  • Market analysis & business models

Articles & reports

Learn more about the project’s milestones and achievements:
  •  Press release
  •  Desk research

Partner meeting and cross border workshop in Malmö